Retail Ecommerce and Digital Buyer Trends in 2024: Mexico​

Unpacking How and Where Consumers Spend Their Money Online in Latin America’s Second-Largest Ecommerce Market

With a projected $58.89 billion in sales in 2024, Mexico’s retail ecommerce market is the second-largest in Latin America. Brands and retailers that understand the nuances of Mexico’s diverse shopper base—along socioeconomic and geographic lines—stand to differentiate themselves in a highly competitive market and win consumers’ hearts, minds, and wallets.​

This deck will:​

  • Unpack our latest forecasts for retail ecommerce sales and digital buyers in Mexico.​

  • Explore the current state of the Mexican economy and consumer sentiment.​

  • Reveal the purchasing behaviors of Mexico’s 67.5 million digital buyers.​

  • Help brands and retailers capitalize on opportunities for growth as shopping habits shift further online.

Subscribers to EMARKETER can read the full report here.