La Revolución Digital de Latinoamérica: México lidera el camino hacia 2025

En un reciente episodio de Catapulta Comercial, Rodrigo Cerón conversó con Matteo Ceurvels, Analista Principal para América Latina y España en eMarketer, sobre los hallazgos del reporte "The Future of Digital". Este análisis profundo nos revela que Latinoamérica no solo está adoptando la transformación digital, sino que en algunos aspectos está estableciendo tendencias que superan incluso a mercados tradicionalmente considerados más avanzados.

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Around the World: What ads have been banned in different countries and how much do advertising bans work?

On today’s EMARKETER podcast episode, host Bill Fisher, forecasting writer Ethan Cramer-Flood, and analysts Matteo Ceurvels and Man-Chung Cheung discuss why there are so many different types of advertising bans in different countries, if they work, and the economic costs.

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The Daily: What to make of democratic countries (like Brazil) banning social media apps (like X)

On this EMARKETER podcast episode, we discuss the significance of a democratic country like Brazil banning X, how it will impact the platform in terms of users and ad dollars, and how advertisers in America are viewing the situation. Tune in to the discussion with host Marcus Johnson, vice president and analyst Jasmine Enberg, and analyst Matteo Ceurvels.

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Around the World: How digital is having an ever-increasing impact on elections

In today’s episode, host Bill Fisher is joined by EMARKETER analysts Paul Briggs, Matteo Ceurvels, and Jasmine Enberg to discuss the pervasive nature of digital in political campaigning. How big is the disinformation problem? And are we in line for an existential AI crisis when it comes to political messaging?

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The Daily: How Hispanic Americans use media differently, who uses social media the most, and how kids use the internet

On this EMARKETER podcast episode, we discuss which digital behaviors Hispanic Americans over-index on, how they get their news, and what advertisers should consider when trying to reach and market to these folks. "In Other News," we talk about where in the world people use social media the most and how kids use the internet. Tune in to the discussion with our analysts Matteo Ceurvels and Paola Flores-Marquez.

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Retail Media FC Cast - Matteo Ceurvels da EMARKETER

Matteo Ceurvels é o analista para Latam e Espanha da EMARKETER. Matteo é italiano e mora em NY e foi extremamente generoso em gravar seu 1º podcast em português, seu 8º idioma. Ele conta sobre o seu trabalho em acompanhar mudanças e tendências, a oportunidade de retail media para marcas e varejistas, além de compartilhas suas apostas do que vem por ai em retail media.

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Around the World: 2024 global predictions ('Shark Tank'-style)—Retail media rivals, metaverse shopping experiences, and more

eMarketer principal analyst Matteo Ceurvels predicts retail media to be the next battleground between Amazon and Mercado Libre in Mexico. Mercado Libre overtook Amazon's share of retail ecommerce sales in Mexico for the first time in 2020. While they've been neck and neck ever since, he believes “Amazon will finally meet its match in an area which it's historically dominated globally: retail media.”

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Around the World: How the king’s coronation and other major events will impact retail and marketing

On today’s episode, host Bill Fisher is joined by our analysts Paul Briggs, Matteo Ceurvels, and Carina Perkins to talk about the upcoming crowning of King Charles III in the UK—other major events around the world like the Eurovision Song Contest—and what sort of effects they will have on retail and marketing.

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Around the World: The AVOD opportunity

Netflix recently announced it's set to introduce an ad-supported tier. But what’s the lay of the ad-supported video-on-demand (AVOD) land in markets around the world? Join our analyst Bill Fisher as he hosts analysts Paul Briggs and Matteo Ceurvels to discuss a few of the markets Netflix is looking to disrupt.

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Podcast: Around the World with … Predictions for 2022

On today’s episode, we go around the world to look at what our analysts will be paying close attention to heading into 2022. Tune in to the discussion as eMarketer principal analyst Bill Fisher hosts senior researcher Man-Chung Cheung, senior analyst Matteo Ceurvels, and principal analysts at Insider Intelligence Karin von Abrams and Paul Briggs.

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Podcast: The car buying customer journey is changing, unattended retail, and eBay's latest move

On today's episode, we discuss how the pandemic changed the car buying customer journey and what BMW's digital experience is trying to achieve. We then talk about why online-only brands might need to do more to earn customers' trust, whether people want more—or less—human interaction when shopping, and what eBay's latest move says about the future of the retailer. Tune in to the discussion with general manager at Autogermana Andrés Fuse, eMarketer senior analyst Matteo Ceurvels, and analyst at Insider Intelligence Blake Droesch.

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Podcast: Buying electronics differently, ESPN+'s rights deals, and is YouTube ‘underwhelming’?

On today's episode, we discuss how the pandemic changed how we buy electronics and how omnichannel marketing and operations are evolving. We then talk about whether YouTube is living up to its potential, ESPN+'s sports rights strategy, and whether DAZN can shake up sports TV. Tune in to the discussion with head of ecommerce at Samsung Electronics Argentina Guido Shama, eMarketer senior analyst Matteo Ceurvels, and director of forecasting at Insider Intelligence Oscar Orozco.

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Podcast: Las nuevas tendencias de eCommerce para un mundo que se transforma, por Matteo Ceurvels

Para nuestro invitado, Matteo Ceurvels, el comercio digital no desplaza al comercio físico, sino que lo está reinventando para que tenga más puntos de contacto con el consumidor. Las empresas que puedan encontrar ese balance y brindarle al usuario una experiencia sin fricciones van a ver el fruto de sus esfuerzos.

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Podcast: Launching ecommerce during the pandemic, the fitting-room dilemma, and rental services

On today's episode, we discuss what it's like to launch an ecommerce business unit during the pandemic and how customers are changing. We then talk about livestream ecommerce's US entry point, how to solve the fitting-room dilemma, and how seriously we should take retailer rental services. Tune in to the discussion with ecommerce general manager for the Americas region at Tekmovil Cristian Serrano and eMarketer senior analyst Matteo Ceurvels and analyst at Insider Intelligence Blake Droesch.

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