Digital Ad Spending in Latin America Is Growing Despite Market Volatility

The fallout from the coronavirus and the political turmoil seen throughout the region in recent months will have more negative consequences for traditional media this year than for digital media. While we expect traditional media outlays to decrease by 17.5%, digital will continue to grow in terms of share and real investment as advertisers pivot their ad budgets toward online channels amid market volatility.

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Latin America Ecommerce 2020: How COVID-19 Will Affect Growth and Sales in Argentina, Brazil and Mexico

Latin America is no stranger to turbulent market activity, but the pandemic is unlike anything the region has seen before. As a result, eMarketer substantially revised its previous total retail and ecommerce forecasts to best reflect the rapidly changing landscape.

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La publicidad digital crece en Perú a medida que la Ley Mulder restringe la publicidad en los medios de comunicación privados

La rebaja de eMarketer sigue a la ratificación del Proyecto de Ley 2133 hace un año—que se le conoce más comúnmente como la Ley Mulder—cuyo objetivo era bloquear a las empresas estatales, así como a entidades de gobierno nacionales y locales, de la publicidad en medios de comunicación privados.

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